SSH over SSL, a quick and minimal config.

If you are reading this, you might be interested in the full list of my articles about doing SSH over SSL. I have been improving my configuration over the years, so the more recent, the better:

So you are behind a vicious firewall that filters outgoing ssh and vpn, and the only safe way out is SSL. In this article, I'll describe how to SSH over SSL to a machine that runs an ssh server and apache2. This machine will still be able to run an SSL website. Clients will connect using a standard ssh client and proxytunnel.

Server configuration

I assume that:

  • The server is accessible on the port 443 through the "" domain name (otherwise using the raw ip will do the trick).
  • It also runs an ssh server (but no need for the port 22 to be reachable).
  • You already have set up certificates for SSL
  • You've enabled the modules for ssl (a2enmod ssl)
  • You're running the default ssl website in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl and it is enabled (a2ensite default-ssl)
  • You've enabled necessary modules for proxying and using proxy connect methods (a2enmod proxy proxy_connect proxy_http)

File /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl

It's minimalistic on purpose, so you can see what is really needed.

<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
<VirtualHost _default_:443>
    # enable ssl
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile    /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key
    # proxytunnel
    Include /etc/apache2/proxytunnel/main.conf

File /etc/apache2/proxytunnel/main.conf

It enables forward proxying for anyone, but only if the client asks for (other requests will be denied). This results in exposing the port 22 (ssh) of your server through a proxy, in an encrypted way.

ProxyRequests On
AllowConnect 22
<Proxy *>
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all

Client configuration

I assume that:

  • An ssh client is installed
  • proxytunnel is installed

First, you'll need to test your server setting using proxytunnel alone. Since debugging encryption problems can be tedious, at first, I suggest you set up your server to provide the proxy in a non encrypted way, commenting the three SSL related lines (you can switch to encrypted when it works). Proxytunnel can "chain" two proxies (a local one, and a remote one), but if the place you connect from does not use such a setting, here is how you can proceed:

proxytunnel -E -p -d -v

-v is for verbose. Replace it with -q (quiet) if it works. You can say it works when you are prompted an ssh login. Apache2 used to have a bug with proxy_connect and SSL, so using encryption may require some extra work (like patching and recompiling the mod_proxy shared libraries or using the latest alpha).

File .ssh/config

Once you're done, just drop the working command line in the .ssh/config of your clients:

    ProxyCommand proxytunnel -q -E -p -d
    DynamicForward 1080
    ServerAliveInterval 60

If you are stuck, I recommend you read this excellent article. One problem remains with this config: If the traffic is correctly monitored, the ip of you server could be logged (even though it will be impossible to prove you have been doing something not allowed). First, you should run an https website on this ip (like a blog, or a code repository), in order to make this traffic more realistic. What could also be cool would be to chain proxies, using for example the appengine. This way your traffic will look like it's going to google.

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