Using openid and the likes to protect static content (lighttpd)

I recently set up a self-hosted gallery for my pictures. Obviously, I did this because I wanted to stop giving my content to external platforms, but also to gain some level of privacy: I want to limit the number of people who are able to look at these pictures.

While setting up the gallery was relatively easy, restricting the access was an interesting problem. I did not want to use a global username:password combination, because this kind of credentials inevitably become public at some point. A different combination for each user would have been better, but some people are not as careful as I am with their own credentials, and they may just give away their own access to others. It is also a lot of maintenance, and I don't want to deal with the risks involved with securely processing my friends' passwords.

I then had a look at single sign on solutions such as openid. This kind of technology was appealing, for several reasons:

  • No password to process on my side
  • People would identify with a very personal account (gmail, facebook), that they are unlikely to be willing to share with anyone else.
  • It is very easy to use for the end user.

I have thus been looking for a solution to get openid/oauth authentication to cooperate with lighttpd in order to protect my new gallery. After some work, I came up with a lua magnet script that does the job. It is inspired by this module, but it does not require to be compiled and works out of the box on recent versions of lighttpd (e.g. debian stable). I also believe that it offers a better security.

It works pretty well! You can try to visit and you should be presented with my very own login page. Should you try to login, the script will gently tell you that though your openid/oauth login was successful, you cannot access the gallery because it is a privilege reserved to the people I explicitly authorized. Beware that if you are not using linux, you might experiment a warning from your browser: that is because I use a certificate signed by cacert, a community-driven certificate authority whose root certificate is not included in commercial OS (yet).

If you want to use this script on your own lighttpd server, I have set up a dedicated website to explain how to proceed. Check it out!

One last thing: I am not a security expert, and I did this for fun. I believe it is pretty secure (provided you trust the third parties involved, of course), but I still have to warn you: don't use this to protect important documents. If you have knowledge about security and want to comment - or even better: to contribute - be my guest!

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